Cuban Cigars



Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Corona Junior | Tres Petit Corona | Size 42 x 110 | Box of 25 $200.00
Libertador | Double Robusto | Size : 54 x 164 | Box of 10 $240.00
Royal Corona | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 $325.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Esplendidos | Churchill | Size : 47 x 178 | Box of 25 $975.00
Exquisitos | Small Panetela | Size : 33 x 126 | Box of 25 $315.00
Genios | Robusto extra | Size : 52 x 140 | Box of 25 $720.00
Magicos | Petit Robusto | Size : 52 x 115 | Box of 25 $645.00
Medio siglo | Petit Robusto | Size : 52 x 102 | Box of 25 $540.00
Panetela | Small Panetela | Size : 26 x 115 | Box of 25 $255.00
Robusto | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 $555.00
Secretos | Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 110 | Box of 25 $315.00
Siglo 1 | Tres Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 102 | Box of 25 $255.00
Siglo 2 | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $365.00
Siglo 4 | Grand Corona | Size : 46 x 143 | Box of 25 $520.00
Siglo 6 | Robusto extra | Size : 52 x 150 | Box of 25 $770.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Exclusivos | Perfecto | Size : 46 x 145 | Box of 25 $310.00
Salomon | Double Perfecto | Size : 57 x 184 | Box of 10 $245.00
Traditionales | Petit Perfecto | Size : 42 x 120 | Box of 25 $210.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
N°2 | Pyramid | Size : 52 x 156 | Box of 25 $395.00

El Rey del mundo

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Choix Supreme | Corona extra | Size : 48 x 127 | Box of 25 $295.00

Flor de Juan Lopez

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Selection N°1 | Grand Corona | Size : 46 x 143 | Box of 25 $295.00
Selection N°2 | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 $295.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Cosacos | Corona | Size : 42 x 135 | Box of 25 $185.00
KDT | Short Panetela | Size : 36 x 115 | Box of 25 $105.00
N°1 | Lonsdale | Size : 43 x 162 | Box of 25 $260.00

H. Upmann

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Connoisseur 1 | Corona extra | Size : 48 x 127 | Box of 25 $330.00
Connoisseur A | Robusto Extra | Size : 52 x 140 | Box of 25 $380.00
Corona Junior T | Short Panetela | Size : 36 x 115 | Box of 25 $155.00
Corona Major T | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 132 | Box of 25 $200.00
Half Corona | Petit Corona | Size : 44 x 90 | Box of 25 $175.00
Magnum 46 | Grand Corona | Size : 46 x 143 | Box of 25 $335.00
Magnum 50 | Double Robusto | Size : 50 x 160 | Box of 25 $485.00
Magnum 54 | Magnum 54 | Size : 54 x 120 | Box of 25 $385.00
Majestic | Corona | Size : 40 x 140 | Box of 25 $225.00
N°2 | Pyramid | Size : 52 x 156 | Box of 25 $405.00
Regalias Celio | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $140.00
Robusto anejado | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 (Copy) $395.00
Sir Winston | Churchill | Size : 47 x 178 | Box of 25 $730.00

Hoyo de Monterrey

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Coronation Tube | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $195.00
De Rio | Robusto Extra | Size : 56 x 140 | Box of 25 $585.00
Double Corona | Double Corona | Size : 49 x 194 | Box of 25 $475.00
Epicure especial | Robusto extra | Size : 50 x 141 | Box of 25 $385.00
Epicure N°1 | Grand Corona | Size : 46 x 143 | Box of 25 $335.00
Epicure N°2 | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 $335.00
Hermosos 4 anejado | Corona extra | Size : 48 x 127 | Box of 25 $380.00
Palma extra | Corona | Size : 40 x 140 | Box of 25 (Copy) $165.00
Petit Robusto | Petit Robusto | Size : 50 x 102 | Box of 25 $265.00
San Juan | Robusto extra | Size : 54 x 150 | Box of 25 $410.00

Jose L. Piedra

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Cazadores | Long Corona | Size : 43 x 152 | Box of 25 $65.00
Conservas | Long Corona | Size : 44 x 140 | Box of 25 $65.00

La Gloria cubana

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Médaille d'or N°4 | Slim Panetela | Size : 32 x 152 | Box of 25 $210.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
A box of 5 | Giant Corona | Size : 47 x 235 | Box of 5 $290.00
Churchill anejado | Churchill | Size : 47 x 178 | Box of 25 $595.00
Double Edmundo | Robusto extra | Size : 50 x 155 | Box of 25 $505.00
Edmundo | Robusto | Size : 52 x 135 | Box of 25 $405.00
Leyenda x 20 | Double Robusto | Size : 55 x 165 | Box of 20 $555.00
Maltes x 20 | Robusto extra | Size : 53 x 153 | Box of 20 $475.00
Media Corona | Petit Corona | Size : 44 x 190 | Box of 25 $195.00
N°1 | Lonsdale | Size : 42 x 165 | Box of 25 $375.00
N°2 | Pyramid | Size : 52 x 156 | Box of 25 $435.00
N°3 | Corona | Size : 42 x 142 | Box of 25 $330.00
N°4 | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $255.00
N°5 | Tres Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 102 | Box of 25 $205.00
Open Eagle x 20 | Robusto extra | Size : 54 x 150 | Box of 20 $385.00
Open Junior x 20 | Short Panetela | Size : 38 x 110 | Box of 20 (Copy) $185.00
Open Master x 20 | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 20 $295.00
Open Regata x 20 | Petit Pyramid | Size : 46 x 135 | Box of 20 $245.00
Petit Edmundo | Petit Robusto | Size : 52 x 110 | Box of 25 $355.00
Petit N°2 | Petit Pyramid | Size : 52 x 120 | Box of 25 $345.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
898 Varnish | Lonsdale | Size : 43 x 170 | Box of 25 $365.00
Aristocrat | Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 129 | Box of 25 $165.00
Corona Gorda anejado | Grand Corona | Size : 46 x 143 | Box of 25 $425.00
Corona Junior T | Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 117 | Box of 25 $180.00
Culebra | Culebra | Size : 39 x 146 | Box of 9 $130.00
De Luxe Tube | Corona | Size : 40 x 140 | Box of 25 $235.00
Lusitania | Double Robusto | Size : 49 x 194 | Box of 25 $465.00
Maduro 1 | Robusto | Size : 52 x 130 | Box of 25 $375.00
Mille Fleurs | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $170.00
Serie D N°4 | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 $305.00
Serie D N°5 | Petit Robusto | Size : 50 x 110 | Box of 25 $295.00
Serie D N°6 | Petit Robusto | Size : 50 x 90 | Box of 20 $230.00
Serie E N°2 | Robusto extra | Size : 54 x 140 | Box of 25 $475.00
Serie P N°2 | Pyramid | Size : 52 x 156 | Box of 25 $425.00
Short | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 110 | Box of 25 $210.00
Super Partagas | Corona | Size : 40 x 140 | Box of 25 $170.00

Por Larrañaga

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Montecarlo | Slim Panetela | Size : 33 x 159 | Box of 25 $145.00
Panetelas | Short Panetela | Size : 36 x 127 | Box of 25 $90.00
Petit Corona x 50 | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 50 $355.00
Picadores | Corona extra | Size : 48 x 127 | Box of 25 $230.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Coronation Tube | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $175.00
Double Corona | Short Panetela | Size : 49 x 194 | Box of 25 $460.00
Punch | Grand Corona | Size : 46 x 143 | Box of 25 $330.00
Royal Coronation T | Corona | Size : 42 x 142 | Box of 25 $245.00

Quai d'Orsay

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Coronas claro | Corona | Size : 42 x 135 | Box of 25 $300.00
N°54 | Robusto | Size : 54 x 135 | Box of 25 $315.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Londre extra | Panetela | Size : 40 x 123 | Box of 25 $90.00
Panetela | Short Panetela | Size : 36 x 127 | Box of 25 $75.00

Ramon Allones

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
>Gigantes | Double Corona | Size : 49 x 194 | Box of 25 $480.00
Specially Select | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 $295.00

Romeo y Julieta

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Belevederes | Short Panetela | Size : 39 x 125 | Box of 25 $140.00
Belicosos | Pyramid | Size : 52 x 140 | Box of 25 $395.00
Cazadores | Lonsdale | Size : 43 x 162 | Box of 25 $295.00
Cedros de luxe 2 | Corona | Size : 42 x 142 | Box of 25 $300.00
Cedros de luxe 3 | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $230.00
Churchill | Churchill | Size : 47 x 178 | Box of 25 $435.00
Coronita en Cedro | Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 129 | Box of 25 $160.00
Exhibicion 4 | Corona extra | Size : 48 x 127 | Box of 25 $295.00
Mille Fleurs | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $185.00
Petit Churchill | Petit Robusto | Size : 50 x 102 | Box of 25 $295.00
Petit Corona | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $235.00
Short Churchill | Robusto | Size : 50 x 124 | Box of 25 $310.00
Tubos 1 | Corona | Size : 42 x 142 | Box of 25 $245.00
Tubos 2 | Petit Corona | Size : 42 x 129 | Box of 25 $215.00
Tubos 3 | Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 116 | Box of 25 $195.00
Wide Churchill | Robusto | Size : 55 x 130 | Box of 25 $375.00

San Cristobal

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Punta | Pyramid | Size : 52 x 140 | Box of 25 $355.00


Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Fundadores | Lonsdale | Size : 40 x 192 | Box of 24 $530.00
Reyes | Petit Corona | Size : 40 x 110 | Box of 12 $130.00
Vigia | Petit Robusto | Size : 54 x 110 | Box of 12 $205.00

Vegas Robaina

Cigar / Packaging Price Box quantity Add to cart Total
Unicos | Pyramid | Size : 52 x 156 | Box of 25 $390.00

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